For all of you listening to my podcast, I want to thank you. But yesterday was a huge hit to my heart as my beloved dog had passed away at 7am in the morning in bed with my mom. Her name was Mocha and let me tell you a bit about her. Mocha was one of the most loving dogs I have ever had, next to my Pugs Sophie and Ralph. Mocha loved to play bury her face in the…
Hey everyone. There are some big changes as of 2021 for this blog and everythign else that goes with it. As of January AspergersZone will become Nothing will change with the blog. But it seems to reason as the Podcast is called Inside the Aspergers Studio. the only things that will change are the banner on the website and the name. We will be getting better guests. Also there will be no Podcasts from Dec 25 to…
Hey everyone. I know have a store where you can buy shirts and a patreon where you can support me and all do. My Patreson is Inside the Aspergers Studio Patreon And the store is Inside the Inside the Aspergers Studio Store …
This is a great game for so many reason. Especially for those of you who are on the spectrum. D&D can really help escape the reality blues. This is where you can be someone else and put us in a world of fantasy and you can be someone else for the remainder of the game play. But not only does D&D help you get away it also, you need to use your brain. This is because decisions have to be…
Hello everyone. I know these are trying times now. We are all trying to do our best. There are those of you whose routines are thrown off skew due to the stay at home orders from our governors. There are those of you who are not used to this. You have you set routine and all of sudden a monkey wrench is thrown in and now your panicking, You need to remember that the stay at home order is not…
The clinical study I was on has ended abruptly, leaving everyone with questions. I will no longer be taking the drugs I was taking, but I still have a 3–month follow up where I must show up and and have my temperature taken. This is somewhat good news for me, because I still get paid for it. The downside to this though, is that I will be off the medicine and so I hope I don’t revert back to how I was before.…
Hello Everyone. I know I touched on this, in the about me section. But I didn’t discuss the troubles I had during my times when I volunteered. The problems is not many companies these days wanted to spend money in training their companies in how to deal with employees with disabilities, well because of that reason I was a casualty of the system. Every where I volunteered, it was the same story in life. No one wants to deal with…
As of January 9th, my double blind part of the trail is over. As a whole me and my family really feel that I am on the medication. They see some huge imporvements in me. Some of the differences are (I am thinking of others before myself, I am pro-active, I am more observant when it comes to clean things up). But a change I feel that others don’t really see is, that I feel that I signs internally that…
This is a different type of post. This is a letter to my dear beloved father who passed away 3yrs ago on August 10th. Dear Dad, Not a day goes by that I don’t think of you or hear you hearty voice in my head. I still can remember all the things you taught me through the years. Each one of your life lessons still stick with me today. I can recount the times we would just sit and watch…