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Coming up on the shows

Hey everyone coming up on the shows. I have Matthew Asner the son Ed Asner who is big in the Autism Community coming up and on Stories I have Daniel Powter whose song you have heard on the radio.. Stay tuned to catch these show.  …

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Adrienne Wilkinson on Stories

Hey Everyone.. Coming up, either at the end of Jan or early Feb. I will have Adrienne Wilkinson on my show. You may now her as Liva/Eve on Xena the Warrior Princess or seen her on Charmed or ER. I have been a huge Xena Fan for a long time. So check it out, when the show is up and also remember to LIKE and FOLLOW and leave a comment in the video when its out.  …

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Check me out

Check me out on all the shows I have been on Just click on Playlists and under the playlists of my show, you can listen to me on other shows I was recently on #NoLimits with Shelley Kenow talking about my life and where I am today.  …

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What a experience

For those of you who are following me on my podcast and reading along on my blog let me tell you about my adventures going to Vegas for the Podcast Movement Evolutions conference. What a experience. For someone who has ASD, ADHD along with mild travel anxiety this is one hell of a trip First let say, the build up to the trip took a toll on me.  I was nervous, anxious, kinda dreading it. One the thing that was…

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Febuary Shows

Jeremy & Ilana – Friendship & Dating Jimmy Clare – Bullying must stop Michelle Markman – Relationships and more Neurodiverse Journeys: Living and Thriving with Autism Spectrum Disorder – Danny    …

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January Shows

Happy New Year everyone. Here is the list of shows for this month. David and Alison Issacmen – Finding Love on the Spectrum Palua Manion – Affordable Living Jeremy Nagel – Finding Happiness in Down Under…

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