The process
The story how I cam about the organization that helped me pick out the school was all just by luck. I just happened to go to the vet with my mom where the girl behind the desk was talking about going away to school for her Masters overseas, and mentioned that a friend went through this organization called Across The Pond. They were super nice.
Now the great thing about this organization is I was assigned a advisor whom I would talk with via email and Skype to help with the process. So i didn’t feel so alone and in the dark with the whole process. I will post the website address under my links page.
Now Uni. of Kent was not my only choose of schools there 5 colleges I had choose and I got expected by 4 out of the 5. After that I went to my advisor for help on choosing. I wanted a school that had a small population, this was so I didn’t feel so lost and I wanted one with a good program that can help with my Asperger’s.
So I gave my advisor the 4 choices I had chosen and she gave me a listing of the number of students in each and a few other details. Than I made my decision on University of Kent, because it had a smaller number of students than the rest. So I accepted their offer and started on the rest of the process.
I contacted the Learning Disability Dept. and told them my history
and soon I was called by my advisor. It was a great experience, because
once a week he would Skype me before I left to help me with anything I
needed help with finance, time and just acceptance (accepting the
realization I was there).
The Trip there
As time got closer I got more and more excited. This was it I was
going to spend a year away from my friends and family. When it was a
week before, I the excitement went away and I started thinking “What am I
doing, am I ready for this?” But everyone I talked to was like “It’s a
learning experience”, “The year will go fast”, “Just enjoy it”. These
were some of the things my family were telling me.
As time got closer I started to working with Across the Pond to get everything I need. The Acceptance letter, the letter from accommodations, my visa and passport and than I than I need to make certain arrangements through the school site like to get me a seat on the bus that takes us to campus. Once I gotten all that I submitted it to Across the Pond and to let them know I was on my way
Once I got my plane ticket, everything began to feel more real, that’s when anxiety began to kick in. The one thing I keep telling myself is “Feelings will feel better once I am on the plane and arrive.”
Once I got on the plane, I began to relax a little bit more. I think at that point I knew I was at the point of no return and I had to endure the 8hr flight to London where I would catch the bus to Canterbury.
Now between Sept 2014 and Nov 2015, it was a balancing act. To where I need to learn how to get my studies in, get good sleep, go to class, and have a some what of a social life.