When we are feeling down, and worn out, we struggle with our day to day lives. We feel that we are fighting an a uphill battle. That we will never get out of this rut. But than we get a glimmer of something in the distance. That something is Hope. It is said that Hope was one of the two gifts we were given by the Gods. Hope is the first gift that Aeschylus mentions. Chorus: Did you perhaps go…
Life Lessons
When people look at us they don’t see that we are different than the rest of the world but yet we are. We do things differently. There are those on the spectrum that wish they weren’t and there are those who accepted it and embraced it. Being different isn’t that bad. Look at Ford. When he came out with the first model T is was just one color and everyone was soon driving the same car with the same color.…
How do you look at your situation? There are those of us who look at it as a blessing to a answer. This is because we wanted to know why were different then the rest of the population. Having (ASD) or Asperger’s as it was originally called meant we were different from the rest of the world. As we look around we notice that others are doing things at a faster pace then we are doing it. But why? This…
Welcome to the first of many Collab Articles. I am collaborating this one with Allison from Unashamed Voices of Autism There will also be related stories from both us on how we dealt with it reflect back on it and what we could of done differently.. This will be a two part post about bullying. The first part will be about dealing with being an Autistic in high school and way to avoid being bullied and the second part will…
I know I talked about my trip and how I handled things. But there is a time I was under a bit of stress and i felt my anxiety kick but I managed it well. I usually know when I am get stressed during a situation, I usually start to sweat and my voice trembles a bit. I became aware of the situation, I think to myself “Calm down, and relax”. It was about 5pm and I was leaving Berlin…
I know there are a lof of you out there who are afraid to travel. But if you become a slave to your disability you will never see the world the way it is intend to be seen. I know the thought of traveling scares a lot of you. The fear of being around people, unaware of your own surroundings, being in a new place, with different people. But you only live once. This is the reason I went away…
Everyone has a routine. But habits are something we repeat. Whats the difference between a routine and a habit? What is a routine? Every morning I get, I take a shower before 9am. Before I get in the shower, I turn it on, so it gets hot, than I proceed to take out my clothes for the day, than I say to myself “underwear, socks, pants, shirt, sweater.” Believe it or not this is a routine.. A routine is something…
This is one of the biggest problems with most people on the Autism Spectrum. Now I am not saying they are controllable, I am saying they can be avoided by get a sense of self. I have heard stories from many people and what happens when they have a breakdown. None of the stories never end good. Either you hurt yourself to the point and being black and blue, or you break something or you just drop to you kness…
This is so important. I know alot of you out there struggle with the fact you are stuck. Either you have severe autism where you sound or light bother you But you can’t let those things stop you from doing the stuff you love, also don’t let any despair stop you either. What I mean, if you got let go from a job due to company not sure how to deal with someone with our disability or losing a loved…
Posted on February 4, 2019Every day, is a Good Day Some days you may wake up feeling like crap and other days you just don’t want to get out of bed. Memories may come and go, and tears may start to well up. Life may seem impossible to navigate. Repeat after me, You were OK before, you will be OK again. I have lived with a disability for a long time, I just didn’t know what it was. You want to know the difference…