I am going to share a story with you that only few people know. This is something that happened to me on my way back from de stressing after studying for my exams. I was pretty stressed out, I have never taken exams before, online classes were different. There was no exam, they went off you total from all your work. So I was unsure how to study. So I was stressed out. Studying for my first time and trying…
Getting though life is hard, but getting through it with Asperger’s is even harder. This is because people don’t quite understand us. For me in the beginning was hard, because people didn’t know how to deal with my weirdness. Until it came out that I had Asperger’s people though I was strange. But though time I learned it was OK to seek out help. Talking to a therapist doesn’t mean your crazy, it means need someone to help guide you.…
No one is perfect not even me. This story is quite the example of it. When I was in Rome. I went exploring with the notion that with my phone that I could find my back to my hotel. Boy was I wrong. I began walking around to where I found a little shop that was selling sweets and sandwiches and mini pizzas. So I figured I would stop in and eat. So walked in and ordered something to eat.…
To begin with my battle with Social Security took me 3yrs to get to where I am now. The first time I applied for SSI, I did this on my own. No help from layers or organizations of any kind. We had given up hope. This was way back when, Autism wasn’t a even on the states radar scope. We didn’t even think about Appeal or going in front of a judge at that time. Now when I got from…