This is more a story than advice. There are some of us who are good at socializing and there are some of us who aren’t. Well I am in between. I was hoping through my time in uni and traveling I would eventually met someone and hit it off.
That, the one thing that I didn’t think about was age. When I was in uni in the UK everyone was much younger than me. Yes there a society for older students but for some reason I still felt younger at heart, so I made friends with those younger than me. Hence joining the Hogwarts Society.
All the girls I had made friends with, were all undergrads and half my age in their twenties. Now age didn’t stop me from asking them out. I figured new country new start. Nope most the girls saw me as a good friend or had someone, even if they were single they would only see me a friend.
Now most of you may think that would really made me feel sad and down. I felt down at the start but by the middle of the semester I had more female friends who cared about me.
I had four female friends who really were true friends. I had my friend Laura who was straight forward as one can be. I remember one night, at our Hogwarts house dinner meetup we do every Wednesday, before our Society meeting, Laura looked over to me and must of saw I was looking a bit down, and asked if I would like to walk with her to the meeting. I said sure. As we walked over, she turned to me said “It must be hard coming over the seas, and dealing with all these different accents and trying to cope with everything.” I looked to her and said “It was, it was so hard to wrap my brain around.” That is a sign of a good friend. We stayed in touch for a while over Facebook, and now I think she is no longer on Facebook.
Than there is my friend Suzanne, she is sweet as she can be. She is the light at the end of my tunnel. I say this because, I remember one night I was pulling my hair out, trying to make ends of the test that was coming up in one of my lectures and I was getting nothing out of it. I messaged her that I was going nuts.. She told me to just put down the pencil and come to the meeting, I did so and all the stress of the nigh went away. Suzanne and I still stay in touch to this day and she is planning on coming out here to visit for a week.
There are a few other who kinda looked after me, like Freya and Mei. I kinda liked having female friend over male, they were much more enjoyable to be around.
After a while, I said you know it’s not worth trying to find someone to date, just enjoy what you have and where you are and the rest will some day fall in place.
I have had a few dates here and one relationship that didn’t last long. Was I unhappy that it ended, at the time yes. I was young and thought it’s what I wanted at the time. But now I am content being single. If I travel, it means I get to meet new people and see what stories can come from them.
So what I say is this. If your single enjoy it, someone will find you. Someone who will appreciate that we are unquie and a bit quirky.
Amy Leah Hartman
August 19, 2020 at 1:47 pmYou’re amazing
August 19, 2020 at 1:59 pmThanks Amy!!