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Life Lessons

Life Lessons


How do deal with disappointment when it happens.  This is a tough one, you make friends when you are at a school and as soon as you graduate you lose some of them and the some stick with you.  This is a true test of the person you are. How you deal with losing touch with friends who you thought were close friends. The secret to this, is don’t blame yourself. You’ll only beat yourself up if that’s how you…

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Life Lessons


There are a lot of sad days for me.  In the same month I have my beloved pug Sophies birthday and my fathers birthday.  Than you add the holidays Christmas and New Years and it just makes this month a tough month to get though. That’s way I like to engross myself in things like either playing games or just keeping up with friends or what not. This is way it is important to keep yourself busy. Always remember no…

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Life Lessons


What I am talking about is Depression.  It’s bad enough that we have to deal with the fact that we are different, but we also have to deal with depression when it hits, and it hits hard. One of the ways to deal with it, is keep yourself busy, if you do this, you will be able to move on without it taking you down a notch.  Get involved with things or play a game you enjoy.  For me its…

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Life Lessons


People may not notice this, but I tend be a bit of a perfectionist , I also have a bit OCD.  I seem to senses this in myself.  Now the reason I think I am the way I am with my OCD and being a perfectionist is, that if it is not right in my mind than it is out of control and when things are right than I have a bit more control over them. Now this is my…

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Life Lessons


When the days get colder, and rainy and you can’t figure out what to do, look into your storage of board games or computer games.  Get the whole family involved if they want to. Now if they don’t want to play, that is OK as well. Everyone has their own way of entertaining themselves.   For me example, I like to watch streamers or play a game on my computer.  But since now it’s me and my mom I like to…

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Life Lessons


Let me say that you should never let anything or anyone discourage you from doing what you love.  If you have a passion go for it.  I always loved traveling, so I combined that with education and went abroad for college. Now going abroad is not for everyone. It is a huge step outside the the comforts of home. You need to feel out your surroundings and explore, there are some of us who need that extra shove. A few…

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