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ADHD Coaching: Helping You Function in a Neurotypical World

Support the show via my Patreon Shane Tharpp, a 43-year-old father of four, embarked on a journey of self-discovery when diagnosed with ADHD and autism in his mid-thirties. His path was riddled with misdiagnoses, from depression to bipolar disorder, before the revelation of his neurodivergence. Through introspection and therapy, Shane found solace in freelancing and ADHD coaching, eventually delving into the world of project management. His deep-rooted passion for helping others led him to co-found a men’s ADHD support…

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Unlocking Your Career Path: An ADHD Career Coach’s Keys to Job Search Success

Support the show via my Patreon Shell Mendelson, an experienced ADHD career coach, brings over 35 years of expertise in career coaching and counseling to the table. With a master’s degree in vocational rehabilitation counseling and training under the renowned author Reid Miles, Shell has guided and impacted the lives of over 1500 clients. Her passion lies in helping individuals navigate career transitions, aligning their skills with personal aspirations and work environment preferences. Through her interactive and instructional masterclass,…

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Mentoring the Mentors: Training Professionals to Empower Neurodiverse Lives

Support the show via my Patreon Discover the surprising truth about the VA Lend program for disabilities and how it’s impacting lives in unexpected ways. This eye-opening conversation with the director of VA Lend will challenge everything you thought you knew about supporting individuals with disabilities. Get ready to be amazed by the behind-the-scenes insights that will leave you wanting to know more. Stay tuned for the big reveal that will change your perspective on disability support forever. Matthew…

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The Science Behind Weighted Pillows: Deep Pressure for Dopamine and Sleep

Support the show via my Patreon Mikey Goldman, the founder of Quiet Mind, shared a compelling journey about his personal experience living with ADHD and sensory processing disorder. From his childhood struggles to the challenges of finding effective coping mechanisms, his story resonates with those managing similar mental health conditions. Mikey’s journey took an unexpected turn when he discovered the calming effects of weighted blankets. However, he found them to be cumbersome and impractical for daily use. This realization…

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Hacking Your Brain for Productivity: An Executive Function Coach Shares Her Secrets

Support the show via my Patreon Hey there, struggling with time management, organization, and memory issues? Ever been told to just try harder or get more organized only to feel the frustration and overwhelm of not getting the results you need? It’s time to break free from the cycle of ineffective advice and find real support for your executive function difficulties. Let’s explore a better way to improve your time management, productivity, and emotional well-being. Sound familiar? Michelle Raz…

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Building Confidence and Self-Love: A Neurodivergent Therapist’s Approach

Support the show via my Patreon If you’re feeling overwhelmed and anxious, struggling to find a therapist who truly understands your neurodivergent experience, then you are not alone! Seeking therapy can be frustrating when you’re not getting the understanding and empathy you need, leaving you feeling unheard and disconnected. Karla Pretorius, a seasoned therapist with over 20 years of experience in the field of neurodiversity, brings a holistic and personalized approach to her practice. With a master’s in psychology…

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Sliding Scale Model Enables Flexible Neurodiversity Services

“You’re Not Alone” In a world where neurodiversity is often misunderstood, Danielle Sullivan’s journey took an unexpected turn. From a late autism diagnosis to becoming a beacon of support for neurodivergent individuals, her story is one of resilience and empowerment. But the real twist? It’s how she’s changing the narrative around neurodiversity, and the impact it’s having on those seeking understanding and acceptance. Want to know how she’s doing it? Stay tuned for the inspiring I think the most common…

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Navigating Neurodiversity: An ADHD Coach’s Journey

Feeling lost and misunderstood as a neurodivergent individual? Imagine finding a coach who not only understands your struggles but has lived through them herself. Vida Carey’s journey from teacher to advocate takes an unexpected turn, and her personal revelation will leave you eager to hear more about her unique approach to self-advocacy. Vida Carey, a neurodivergent coach, draws from her experience as a former teacher and a mother of a child diagnosed with ASD. Her journey into coaching began with…

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Raising an Autistic Child: A Mother’s Candid Perspective

Support the show via my Patreon Get ready to dive into the world of parenting a child with autism, as we follow Adrienne John’s journey and the challenges she faces. From sensory issues to energy regulation, Adrienne’s son’s unique interests and struggles will keep you on the edge of your seat. But just when she thought she had found a solution, a new challenge arose, leaving her questioning what to do next. Adrienne John, a dedicated zookeeper and mother,…

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Stories: Striking a Balance: Embracing Individuality with Jeff Howard and Andy Mullins

My special guests are the Co-founders of iddeate, Jeff Howard and Andy Mullins. Jeff Howard and Andy Mullins are the dynamic duo behind iddeate, a nonprofit crowdfunding platform focused on empowering adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities to reach their goals. iddeate’s mission is to empower adults with IDD toward growth, autonomy, and career success.  In this episode, you will be able to: Learn more about iddeate’s model and how their platform works Delve into the inspiring Founder’s story and…

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