Now this is a tough subject because everyone copes their own way. Now people cope for different reasons. Some of the reasons are (loss of a loved one, dealing with being alone) and the list goes on.
Now I know I still have my mother and my brother and my sister-in law and her family who are always there for me, but I know there are those who don’t have anyone because their family either rejects them or just doesn’t want to admit their son or daughter is different from everyone else.
What I say is to just move on, and give you heart and body when it wants. One of the best releases is crying, NEVER try to hold the tear back, just let the water works go and I bet you will feel so much better.
Another blogger wrote a great article on Self Care Strategies, she wrote this excellent article. I highly recommend you read it. Her blog is called Flora The Explorer, she is a amazing Blogger and she has lived one amazing life.
She has become a inspiration to me.
Just remember you are not alone in this world.
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