In a world filled with twists and turns, Chris Robson’s life took an unforeseen detour. Little did he know that a shocking revelation would be the catalyst for his remarkable transformation. As his story unfolds, prepare to be captivated by the unexpected twist that changed everything. Brace yourself for a journey of self-acceptance, personal growth, and a future that holds endless possibilities. My special guest is Cris Robson Meet Cris Robson, an enigmatic character hailing from the picturesque north of…
Inside the Mind of a Indie Game Developer
Posted on June 30, 2022Hello and welcome back to an other episode of Stories. Have you played a video game and fallen in love with the story of the game or wanted to make you own video game, but you had ADHD and thought it would be too hard. Well my next guest did just that. Cris Robson is a Indie game developer who has ADHD and is in the midst of developing his own game despite his ADHD. We talk the challenges you…