Hey everyone,
in this episode of Inside the Asperger Studio: Stories. I talk with Patty .
This is a very interesting episode of stories because we learn about Patty Laushman and her struggle she had with getting her son diagnosed with ASD and we find out that she may have ADHD as well. We talk a bit about how she tried all methods to help her son thrive in the world and how she finally went with of the the most controversial methods which is ABA Therapy.
This is one of the most controversial because in the ASD community because of the ways the therapist goes about helping the client but like Patty said, it depends on the therapist you get. Patty swears by the therapist she got and he has helped her son in a way that he is able to succeeded in ways no other way could.
Now you are probably wonder why it is so controversial. Well as a friend told me there was a video going around the net with a therapist holding down the child’s arms and retraining him from flapping. Flapping is one of the ways those of us on the spectrum stimulate to comfort ourselves.
Patty also talks how she had a few businesses and how she came to start her Life Coaching service. If you listen to end she is offering a free 30 minute session with her, but you have to listen to end of podcast for the website to go to.
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