Hello and welcome to a very postive show. Today I am talking with Martina a occupational thearpist and part time streamer known as xxYikes. This in this very positive show, I will ask her about how she got into becoming a occupational thearpist and than ask her about her stream name amongst other questions. She is also a online advocate trying to help those get through life. I will ask her about how she translates her work from the real…
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Stories: Streamer Edition
Posted on December 23, 2021Hello, On this edition of Stories, I will be talking with Callie Gade. You might know her from a little YouTube series called King of Random with her co-host Nate and the late Grant Thompson. Not only is she streaming now, but she has been going for her pyro-technician Licenses. When you have gotten to know Callie as I have through watching her stream, you will see she has an amazing personality and a smile to match that personality. When…