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Inclusivity in the workforce and school systems.

Discover how inclusivity in the workforce and school can create a more diverse and equitable environment for everyone. You will learn how to create a more diverse and equitable environment by promoting inclusivity in the workplace and educational institutions. Carrin Gilmore is an autistic advocate, educator, and project manager for Disability Voices United and Mind Your Autistic Brain. She is a passionate advocate for the disabled community and works to promote inclusivity in the workforce and school systems. Carrin Gilmore…

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From Bullying to Inclusivity: The Power of Connecting with Your Inner Child and Embracing Neurodiversity

 From Bullying to Inclusivity: The Power of Connecting with Your Inner Child and Embracing Neurodiversity Welcome to the show. In todays episode I talk with Michelle Markman about everything from bullying to inclusivity to finding your inner child and being happy again. In this day an age, as we grow older we let go of our youngerself as we enter the world. We forget what it is like to have fun again. We get frowned on when we play a…

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