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Neurodivergent or Neurodistinct

Which do you prefer Neurodivergent or Neurodistinct In this this Episode I talk with Tim Goldstein.  Tim is not your ordinary person, Tim was diagnosed with ASD late in life which has helped answer a lot of questions.  Tim has even gone to vocal coach to help him lower his voice. In this episode Tim also talks about why the term Neurodivergent is almost a negative word when we could be using something that sounds better like Neurodistinct Tim has…

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Itchy Brain with Jill and Adam Laudati

Hello and welcome back to another edition of Inside the Aspergers Studio. Do you know what ADHD is, ADHD stands for (Attention Deficit Hyper Disorder) Do you have ADHD or know someone who has ADHD and is feeling the negative stigma of it. Well my guest Jill and her Husband Adam and her 2 kids have made it a mission to show that there is a positive side to ADHD that people pass-over. Jill and her husband Adam have written…

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Stories: Living with OCD

Note: I use a word many may not like. Just know I didn’t mean it as a insult. Hello everyone, Do you know someone who has OCD or are you someone with OCD. Than this next show is for you. I talk with Jason Adams. He is a Special Ed Teacher in Canada. We start out talking about his OCD and how he manages its and than as he describes his OCD I realize I have it as well, with…

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